Insider Talks - International Careers in Luxury Retail with Jean-Charles de Valensart
Now Head of Retail Operations for Louis Vuitton in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau, Jean-Charles de Valensart has dedicated his professional life working at the service of luxury retailers. With experiences including brands like Giorgio Armani and Bottega Venetta, his opportunities have allowed him to work in Luxembourg, Paris, Hong Kong, London, Monte Carlo and many more.
“If you want a career in luxury, you need to go into retail” is the core idea behind Jean-Charles de Valensart’s career advice. From understanding the ropes of retails, to developing unique skills working directly with customers as well as the multi levels of organisations and management required behind working in retail, our career expert believes in the strong importance of exploring this sector.
According to Jean-Charles de Valensart, starting your career in retail might not be anyone’s ideal scenario, but it is one to not underestimate “even if a job doesn’t seem exactly what you want, go for the interview”. The luxury industry is full of surprises and never unilateral, by starting working in retail our expert believes that you will be able to gain a large set of skills from learning how to manage a team to working closely with high-ends clients as well as develop an extensive network of professionals, necessary for your career.
Catch up on the live now by looking at our Insiders Talk replay, and learn everything you need to know about luxury retail with Jean-Charles de Valensart.